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The Mesa County Partnership Scholarship is helping employees chase their dreams at pp电子极速糖果

All too often, going back to school to further your career gets put on hold. You get busy, the finances need to be sorted out and it takes courage to pursue new opportunities. 为了让事情更简单, pp电子极速糖果 is teaming up with local employers to provide financial support so people in the community can get back into the classroom to grow their careers. “We were looking at how to reengage adult learners and help them with credit completion. We did a lot of committee work to determine where we could build partnerships in the community and one of the things that came out of that process was the Mesa County Partnership Scholarship,” said Director of Financial Aid Lindsey Campbell.

In 2020, CMU began working with local businesses and organizations to help them develop their human capital with the introduction of the Mesa County Partnership Scholarship. This scholarship provides up to $500 for students taking at least twelve undergraduate credits or at least six graduate credits, with slightly lower amounts available for lower course loads and the scholarship is renewable for up to 120 credit hours. CMU is currently working with the following organizations: Mesa County School District 51, 大小君ction市, Capco, 心灵泉源健康, Family Health West and Hilltop Community Resources.

才有资格获得奖学金, employees at one of the companies listed above must meet basic admissions requirements, show proof of employment with a participating business and maintain satisfactory academic progress. The scholarship can be used at any CMU campus and can be used for in-person or online courses.

One individual that has taken advantage of the Mesa County Partnership Scholarship program is Diana Velasco, a custodian working for District 51 that dreams of becoming an elementary school teacher. Velasco is a beloved member of the community at East Middle School and was recently honored with a White Iced Award from the School District 51 Foundation. She loves engaging students in conversation and is a beacon of positive energy throughout her building. Velasco exemplifies CMU’s values of curiosity and courage in her pursuit of a degree in elementary education.

Velasco moved with her family from Mexico to Colorado when she was seventeen and explained that becoming a teacher was “something that I always wanted to do since I was little.“然而, 需要立即开始工作, the language barrier and her confidence kept her from enrolling. With encouragement and support from the East Middle School staff, the inspiration of her younger sister that teaches for District 51 and with assistance from CMU’s Admissions Office, Velasco decided to try and make her dream come true by signing up for classes last fall.

现在是她的第二个学期, Velasco reflected that “the staff members and professors are always there to help with any questions I may have, 他们一直都很支持我. I know that I am not alone and there is always someone I can reach in case I have any questions. 我现在感觉自信多了. If someone asked me about going back to school, I would tell them to go for it. 如果我能做到,我想任何人都能做到. 你能做的最糟糕的事情就是不去尝试.”

Velasco continued, “age is only a number, no matter how old you are you shouldn’t stop learning. 如果今天就能学到,为什么还要等更长的时间呢?”

With the financial support of the Mesa County Partnership Scholarship Velasco is better equipped to access CMU’s high-value education. She is now on the path to achieve her dream of becoming an elementary classroom teacher where she can continue to positively impact the lives of students in our community. “I am so grateful to CMU and District 51 for this award, it has made a big difference by helping me pay for my tuition,贝拉斯科分享道.

CMU is looking to expand the Mesa County Partnership Scholarship program and is actively seeking new employers to work with. If a local company is looking to provide a more robust education benefits package for their employees, they are encouraged to reach out to Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management 金正日麦地那. If you work for one of the employers listed above and are ready to enroll at CMU you can 在线申请 and speak with the Financial Aid Office at 970.248.1177 to participate in the scholarship program.



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